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The Clergue Letters

Letter of Application

Power of Attorney

Letter from Z. Mailhot

Address by Mayor J. Dawson

Correspondence with Grace

Portrait Unveiling

Letter from Zephrin T. Mailhot

...I imagine that only a few Soo people who participated in the Sault Ste. Marie Hydraulic Power enterprise survive.

I have not with me the books and papers that would refresh my memory as to the date my connections began and ceased with the enterprise but I may yet trace the papers when I return West.

My first connection with the Sault Ste. Marie Hydraulic Canal dated from the winter of 1888-1889 when connected with the Ontario and Manitoba Railway Co; I was called by representatives of the Conmee Syndicate to Sault Ste. Marie to report as to the feasibility, estimate of cost, etc. of the proposed works; which I answered by coming to the Sault, making the necessary surveys, and completing the information that was delivered and utilized at a Public Meeting held for the purpose of discussing the question and the advisability of securing the Town of Sault Ste. Marie’s guarantee of bonds, etc.

About August 1889 on behalf of said Conmee syndicate, Messrs. Kehoe and Hamilton or perhaps Mr. Hamilton himself - wired me at Three Rivers, P.Q., Lower Laurentian Railway Office offering me the position of Chief Engineer of the Conmee Syndicate proposed Hydro-Electric works at Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. I accepted and proceeded to the Sault when and where I started the work of surveys, plans, etc. and continued until the Town took over the works, appointed a Board of Directors in about 1890; that was composed of Messrs. Campbell, Munro, Johnson the jailer, etc. Mr. Farwell acting as the Board’s attorney.

I was required by the Board of Directors to remain in charge of the proposed works; which I did; contracts and specifications were drawn by me. At the Board’s instigation a consulting engineer Col. J. T. Fanning of Minneapolis was selected amongst a number of other applicants; who was asked to visit the works and report such as he did, examined plans, controls and specifications with some modifications and alterations were approved. Special design of the Dam at the foot of the Head Race was entrusted to Mr. Fanning who executed the same and furnished the Board with it.

Call for tenders were issued. Messrs. Luke Madigan and Arthur Ferland were the successful bidders and awarded the contract; Attorney Farwell acting for the Board of Directors.

The work of constructing was started; some of it sublet by the contractors, Director Johnson securing one of these contracts. I continued in charge until the fall of 1891 or 1892 when I was called away in connection with the Ontario and Manitoba Railway – during my absence Mr. Wilde was put in charge of the work done by the Board of Directors.

When I returned the following spring, the contractors asked me to take charge of their work which I did until the completion of the Head Race etc. and final settlement of the Madigan and Co. contract.

Col. J.T. Fanning was requested by the Board of Directors to visit the works after the rupture of my connection with the Board but I am sorry to say never paid him his fair claim for services rendered up to date which reflects little credit on the part of the Board....